directions of scientific research, the use of the forces of the security and defense sector of the stateAbstract
The directions of scientific research in the field of operational use of the forces of the security and defense sector of the state are considered. These areas are associated with the military-political situation, which is developing both in Ukraine and around it. The article analyzes the armed confrontation in the East of Ukraine with the assumption of its possible escalation. Regarding the positional combat operations continuing in the East of Ukraine, the urgency of establishing a connection between the cause of the emergence of this form of action (with its inherent features) and their stable duration and the continuing threat of their escalation is indicated.
The article expresses fears of the emergence and development of crisis events in potentially crisis regions of Ukraine with their further escalation. An assumption is made about the development of these events according to the scheme: “provoking an internal political conflict of a regional scale” ‒ “an attempt to destroy the foundations of public order” ‒ “an extreme aggravation of an internal political conflict against the background of mass riots” ‒ “provoking the emergence and escalation of an internal armed conflict” ‒ “provoking civil war” ‒ “the emergence of an armed conflict of an international nature (possibly a local or regional war with the participation of Ukraine as a result of the intervention of external forces ” ‒ “the introduction of peacekeeping forces into Ukraine”.
The urgency of the study of the driving forces of these events, their organizational forms, as well as the forms and ways of realizing their intentions at each stage is substantiated. The relevance of the development of a complex of operations of the security and defense sector of the state, as well as the appropriate methods of their implementation with an adequate response at each stage of the development of crisis events, is indicated.
The article provides and analyzes examples of domestic developments in the field of military art with reference to the corresponding accumulated international experience.
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