addictive behavior, drug dependence, drug addiction, serviceman, National guard of UkraineAbstract
The article substantiates a set of measures to prevent chemical dependence among servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine. It is proved that in order to increase attention to the drug situation among servicemen it is necessary to introduce not only directive measures to control drug trafficking, but also to apply a differentiated system of preventive measures aimed at creating alternatives for different categories of servicemen and implementing a modular program to prevent chemical dependence.
It is determined that measures to prevent chemical dependence should be carried out on an ongoing basis with periodically repeated interventions at all stages of training, education and retraining of servicemen. They should have a modular structure and begin with the first stages of military training, when the motivation and awareness of the need to master the methods of arbitrary management of their own psycho-emotional state. It is established that it is necessary to conduct regular monitoring of the psycho-emotional state of servicemen, especially for those who are looking for the ways to “escape from reality”, which bring “pleasant feelings”, tools to help “forget about problems”. It has been proven that it is important to monitor the characteristic changes in the behavior of servicemen such as: problems with concentration, growing indifference, frequent and abrupt mood swings, negative attitude to training or work, laziness or aggression, sleep problems. It is substantiated that psychoprophylactic and psychocorrectional work with servicemen with chemical dependence can be divided into several stages depending on which resources it is aimed at ‒ to make servicemen aware of their limitations and capabilities, or support activity, viability, motivation. to achievements, or help them make the right decisions and the ability to say no, and so on.
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