moral and psychological state, National Guard of Ukraine, cluster analysis, convoy extradition and protection of the accused, methods, servicemanAbstract
One of the main indicators of combat readiness and combat capability of servicemen to perform military-professional tasks is the moral and psychological state.
The latest extraordinary events that took place in the military unit 3021 showed that soldier A. Y. Ryabchuk fired from automatic weapons at the guards, as a result 4 servicemen and one civilian were killed, 5 servicemen received serious gunshot wounds. Thatʼs why for high-quality performance of military guards of the National Guard of Ukraine missions the servicemen must have a set of necessary professionally important qualities, as well as sufficient psychological resources of the individual.
Using cluster analysis on the indicators of moral and psychological condition, the types of servicemen of the units of the National Guard of were Ukraine for convoying extradition and protection of defendants determined. a comparison and determination of the effectiveness of the existing methods of assessing the moral and psychological condition of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
The general component of the moral and psychological state represents the acquired attitudes, professional competencies, practical experience, professional quality, motives and interaction and works as a stability, pre-formed personality characteristics.
The situational component is the peculiarities of the implementation of the general component in specific circumstances and at a specific time. The level of the situational component depends on: to what extent the general component is appropriate to the situation of its implementation; to what extent pre-formed professionally important qualities, competencies and dispositions (values, attitudes) of the individual correspond to specific conditions and tasks. The situational component is projected on the basis of the general component for each specific situation.
The typology developed by cluster analysis according of moral and psychological condition of servicemen of the National Guard of were Ukraine for convoying extradition and protection of defendants determined is quite well correlated with those included in the questionnaire «Assessment of moral and psychological condition of servicemen of units of the National Guard of Ukraine».
For servicemen of the National Guard of were Ukraine for convoying extradition and protection of protection of defendants, who have reduced (satisfactory) indicators of the moral and psychological state on all scales, it is necessary to develop measures to increase the components of the moral and psychological state (moral, psychological, socio-political and military-professional) and practical recommendations to military officials. management (commanders of units, their deputies for work with personnel, officers of the psychological support service) on the possibility of involving such servicemen in the implementation of service and combat missions the for convoying extradition and protection of protection of defendants.
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