criminalistics, crime, method, critical infrastructure facility, investigator, situation, investigatio, combatingAbstract
Results of the study of the significance of criminalistics science in ensuring crimes combating at critical infrastructure facilities are presented. It is emphasized that the theoretical and practical significance of the science of criminalistics science and its element as a mechanism for committing crimes in general, and on objects of critical infrastructure in particular, should be defined as the doctrine of the organization of a systematic investigation of a crime, effective detection, collection and research of evidence in accordance with the norms of criminal procedure law and on the prevention of crimes by applying for these purposes special methods and means developed on the basis of natural, technical and other special sciences and studying the mechanism of crimes at the object of critical infrastructure and the formation of evidence. The author defines that the mechanism of committing a crime at a critical infrastructure facility should be understood as the process of committing a crime, including its method and all actions of the criminal, accompanied by the formation of material and non-material traces, which can be used for the disclosure and investigation of the crime.
It was concluded that the concept of criminalistics characteristics of a crime committed at a critical infrastructure facility is a derivative result of the perceived need to develop a criminalistics theory of a crime committed at a critical infrastructure facility. Studying the mechanism of a crime committed at a critical infrastructure facility is also of great practical importance for the investigation of the event that took place, as it allows us to understand the relationship between the methods of committing crimes and the methods of their disclosure. It is the effectiveness of the practical use of criminalistics methods of learning about an event that took place at a critical infrastructure facility that is ensured only if the study of criminalistics methods is carried out on the basis of cognition of the general laws of dialectical materialism, specific to its subject, and the features of the system-structural approach, oriented in the formation of criminalistics for the solution of applied practical tasks.
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