National Guard of Ukraine, simulation modeling, situational modeling, functioning model, technical support systemAbstract
The effectiveness of the performance of service and combat missions by the technical support grouping is a generalized defining functional property of the technical support system. This property is revealed through the category of the goal and is objectively expressed by the degree of achievement of the goal, provided that the technical support organization meets the basic requirements, the level of fulfillment of which will determine the efficiency of the technical support system.
The main research concept for analyzing the effectiveness of performing tasks as intended is modeling. Therefore, there is a need to develop a model for the functioning of the technical support system for military operations of the National Guard of Ukraine.
The basis for developing a model for the functioning of the technical support system is a systematic approach to studying the problems of technical support for the service and combat operations of the National Guard of Ukraine grouping, which makes it possible to determine the composition of the forces and means of technical support for the National Guard group of Ukraine in the area of service and combat missions.
The study of the management processes of military organizational systems today is carried out using only mathematical modeling methods, but the use of mathematical decision-making methods with a full set of clear input data does not always help in solving the problem under conditions of natural uncertainty of the situation.
Based on the analysis of the existing scientific and methodological apparatus for evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of the technical support system of the National Guard of Ukraine grouping, the article proposes a model for the functioning of the technical support system for service and combat operations of the National Guard of Ukraine grouping.
The proposed model, in contrast to the known ones, includes the methods of simulation and situational modeling, the expert method, the method of forming a rational system for the technical support of the grouping of the National Guard of Ukraine.
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