border unit, organization of actions, armed provocation, decisionAbstract
The relevance of the article is determined by the need to counter threats to border security in the conditions of armed aggression by the Russian Federation. In the conditions of various types of armed provocations by Russia on the state border, attempts to penetrate the Ukrainian territory by subversive and intelligence groups, border units, state border guard units, and border infrastructure also become the object of such provocations. Therefore, the task of developing recommendations to the head of the border unit regarding the organization of his actions in the conditions of the cessation of armed provocation on the state border is relevant and contains the practical significance of the topic chosen for study.
On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, normative legal acts, and the experience of performing official and combat tasks by border units, develop recommendations to the head of the border unit regarding the organization of his actions in the conditions of the cessation of armed provocation on the state border.
Scientific analysis of the research problem; generalization and systematization of theoretical information and practical actions of border units regarding the cessation of armed provocations; comparison, classification, induction and deduction.
It has been established that the content of the work of the head of the border unit in countering armed provocations will depend on: the nature of the enemyꞌs actions, the characteristics of the border unit, the availability of forces and means, and other factors. It includes: determining the measures that must be taken immediately to prepare the unit for action as soon as possible; assessment of the situation; decision-making; definition of tasks for the elements of the order of battle; organization of interaction, comprehensive support and management. Each item of the content of the work of the head of the border division is disclosed. Also, based on the experience of tactical role-playing games, a version of the combat order of the head of the border unit was proposed and its content was revealed.
A feature of the developed recommendations to the head of the border unit regarding the organization of his actions in the conditions of stopping armed provocation at the state border is their practical focus. They are intended for the heads of the lowest levels of state border protection, who are direct executors of the tasks of the border department for the protection and protection of the state border.
Based on the analysis of crisis situations on the state border, the purpose and objects of armed provocations, as well as the tactics of the enemyꞌs actions during their implementation, are summarized. The content of the work of the head of the border unit regarding the organization of his actions in the conditions of the cessation of armed provocation on the state border has been specified and revealed. A variant of the combat order of the head of the border unit is proposed. The prospects for further research in this direction can be seen in a more detailed study of the order of actions of the elements of the border unit's combat order when stopping armed provocation on the state border.
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