performance indicators and criteria, on-site location, outpostAbstract
Indicators and performance criteria are presented, the application of which can allow commanders of units of the National Guard of Ukraine and other military formations to assess and achieve the predicted possibility of successful execution of a combat mission by sentry guards during their location in the concentration area or base camp.
The performance indicators and criteria are based on the tactical and technical characteristics of the available weapons units, military equipment, surveillance equipment, linear and spatial norms for the relevant units and the application of known and proven provisions of probability theories and modeling.
The assessment of the predicted ability to perform the main tasks of the guard of the unit is carried out on the example of a company of operational assignment, which is located on the spot in the concentration area or base camp.
Untimely detection of sabotage and reconnaissance forces or an enemy attack by sentry guards can lead to significant losses among the personnel of the unit, weapons and military equipment, or the defeat of friendly forces. That is why more attention should be focused on guarding units.
The success of the task of sentry protection during the location of the unit in place depends to a greater extent on the combat experience of junior commanders in the field. However, the experience may be insufficient or completely absent.
Assumptions made during the research: the morale and psychological state, the level of training (training) of the personnel of the guard and the guarded unit are accepted as sufficient for the performance of the combat task; available weapons and military equipment are in good working order; the probability of destroying the enemy with that type of weapon is known; the reconnaissance range of the guard forces is assumed to be equal to the tactical and technical characteristics of the available means of surveillance; camouflage, topography, weather conditions are not taken into account.
Guard posts continuously monitor the designated security lane. If an enemy is detected, whose forces are not significantly superior, the sentry post destroys it or captures it.
In the event that the sentry forces are not able to destroy the enemy, the task of the sentry post will be to bind the enemy with fire during the deployment of the guarded unit in order of battle to enter the battle on favorable terms, after which, with the permission of the senior commander, to withdraw.
The direction of further research is the development of a model for assessing the ability to perform a combat task by sentry guards in order to prevent a sudden enemy attack on a unit of the National Guard of Ukraine during their location in a concentration area or a base camp.
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