emergencies of a military nature, dangerous sources of emergencies, characteristic features of modern wars and conflicts, international terrorismAbstract
During the last decades, the world historical situation has fundamentally changed, humanity has entered the nuclear-space age. The development of civilization and society could not exclude wars and military conflicts as a means of forceful resolution of interstate, religious, ethnic and other contradictions. The way out of conflict situations with the help of weapons remains a distinctive feature of the modern era.
The achievements of science and technology today are aimed not only at the development of modern production, improvement of working conditions and welfare of citizens, but also at the development of the latest types of weapons and ammunition, which increases the risks of emergency situations due to their use. Emergency situations of a military nature are associated with the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction or modern conventional means of destruction, during which secondary factors of damage to the population arise as a result of the destruction of nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, warehouses and storages of radioactive and toxic substances, waste oil products, explosives, highly toxic substances, toxic waste, transport and engineering communications. As a result of emergencies of a military nature, emergencies of man-made, natural, social nature, mass deaths of people and animals may arise.
The dangerous sources of emergencies of a military nature include: weapons themselves, extraordinary unsanitary conditions during hostilities (a large number of corpses, disruption of the normal operation of various communal services, disruption of water supply and sewage systems, insufficient medical care, occurrence of epidemics), complex ecological and the man-made situation, the presence of high-risk enterprises (chemical enterprises, nuclear power plants, oil refineries) and the like.
The article examines the characteristic features of possible modern wars and conflicts, analyzes the sources of emergency situations of a military nature, their features and possible consequences for the population and the territory of the state. In addition, an analysis of the specifics of the terrorist nature of Russia's war against Ukraine and the consequences of armed aggression for the country's territory, population, and economy was carried out.
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