training command post, decision support system, workstationAbstract
The most important reserve for increasing the effectiveness of the military management activities of the commander and headquarters of the unit in the preparation of combined arms combat is to provide the command and control body with more complete, reliable and operational information about the situation and conditions of hostilities and, on this basis, conduct high-quality and quick analysis to form a plan of action, get ahead of the enemy and achieving surprise. A promising way to improve the process of military decision-making by command and control units is the introduction of a decision support system. The decision support system is the central component of the automated command and control system that adequately reflects the real conditions, means of armed struggle and takes into account the laws of their functioning and mutual relations between them.
The article deals with the issues of creating and introducing into the educational process an automated training command post for command and control of troops and subunits.
On the basis of the simulation class of the academy, a project of an automated TCP control unit (subdivision) was developed, which makes it possible to automatically reproduce the process of making a military decision by G/S-structural units of the headquarters of a military formation according to NATO standards in an automated mode using a PC-based workstation. It is proposed to build a local network using a mixed type topology: "ring" and "passive star". Such a network structure simplifies the procedure for increasing the number of workstations and facilitates the maintenance and operation of the TCP. The composition of the tactical control unit includes a server, workstations of officers of the structural divisions of the headquarters, multi-channel communication consoles and an interactive whiteboard.
The minimum requirements for the proposed network architecture are substantiated. It is shown that a geographic information system is a necessary component of the automated workplace, which implements a full set of functions for working with geodata necessary for a military command and control body. This was done on the basis of the Arc View GIS software package version 3.3.
The list of capabilities of the proposed hardware-software complex of the TCP allows us to assert that this complex meets the requirements of at least a class C2 automated control system. The benefits of the implementation of the TCP are in the growth of the volume of information that the staff officers analyze, the high quality and reliability of the data, the comprehensive validity of the conclusions and proposals made, the reduction in the time spent on assessing the situation and making informed rational decisions throughout all seven stages of the standardized MDMP process.
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