National Guard of Ukraine, air targets, critical infrastructure object, fire group, mobile group, separate units for the destruction of air targetsAbstract
An analysis of critical infrastructure objects, which have different levels of criticality categories, and the importance of assigning individual units to destroy air targets, was carried out. The existing objects of critical infrastructure, which are subject to protection and defense by the National Guard of Ukraine in the conditions of resistance to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, and the areas of responsibility of operational-territorial associations and military units under direct control, which carry out the protection and defense of the specified objects, were studied. The need for components of the defense system for the protection of critical infrastructure objects by military units (units) of the National Guard of Ukraine, which perform the task of destroying enemy air targets, is considered. The organization of interaction in the general air target detection system, which is connected to the network of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, air defense units and aims to detect enemy air targets aimed at destroying the country's critical infrastructure facilities protected by the National Guard of Ukraine, is analyzed. It is proposed to define the defense sectors of the critical infrastructure object to form the necessary type and quantity of weapons and equipment necessary for the destruction of air targets both in the approaches to the object and in the distance from it.
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