prisoner of war, martial law, rights of prisoners of war, legal regulationAbstract
The article examines the norms of international humanitarian law in force in Ukraine regarding prisoners of war and the history of their implementation in the Ukrainian legal field. A thorough analysis of the norms of international humanitarian law and their implementation in national legislation is made. The legal regulation of the treatment of prisoners of war during martial law is considered. Attention is focused on the treatment of prisoners of war during martial law or hostilities, observance of their rights and performance of their duties. Threats of possible violations of the rights of prisoners of war are identified. In particular, it is noted that prisoners of war may be subjected to torture and ill-treatment, and may be used as labour without providing them with proper working conditions.
The main reasons for the violation of the rights of prisoners of war are given: military operations, unwillingness to comply with international law, and imperfect national legislation.
The article identifies the importance of compliance with international law on the treatment of prisoners of war. In order to address the problem of violations of the rights of prisoners of war, it is necessary to ensure compliance with international law, improve national legislation, and create mechanisms for monitoring the observance of the rights of prisoners of war.
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