
  • Serhii Hodlevskyi
  • Vitalii Danko



priority forms of interaction, National Guard of Ukraine, security and defense forces, stabilization operation


Taking into account the experience of conducting stabilization actions (operations) both on the territory of Ukraine and in other countries, as well as the requirements of current domestic regulatory documents, an approach has been proposed to determine the priority forms of interaction between the National Guard of Ukraine and security and defense forces in a stabilization operation. An example of the use of the developed approach is provided, and a variant of the priority forms of organizing interaction at the operational level is determined.

The proposed approach allows for a comprehensive solution to the tasks of determining the priority forms of interaction at various levels of command. It takes into account the results of a SWOT analysis, the decomposition of tasks related to conducting a stabilization operation, as well as the specific characteristics of the interacting entities, considering their administrative-legal status, capabilities, and nature of activities.


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