National Guard of Ukraine, professional development,, higher education, advanced training courses, leadership positions, service and combat tasks, leadership qualities, interdisciplinary interaction.Abstract
The article considers the practical component of training of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine, which includes training at two levels: higher education, which provides fundamental knowledge in the field of military science, and retraining and advanced training courses, which allow officers to acquire knowledge of the latest achievements in science, new methods of warfare and troop management. The author reveals the interdependence between theoretical training and practical skills of officers, which are necessary for the effective performance of combat missions; between higher education and advanced training courses, which creates a holistic system of professional development that allows officers to adapt to the changing conditions of war. The author analyzes the impact of advanced training courses on the professional development of officers of the National Guard of Ukraine as a catalyst for rapid updating of their knowledge, skills and abilities, which increase readiness to perform combat missions and ensure effective management of units. The author substantiates the need to integrate ethical standards into the training of officers, since they are the basis of trust and discipline in military teams.
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