
  • V. Pasichnyk
  • V. Afanasenko




professional activity, professionalization, professional selection, professionally important qualities, professional diagram, psychogram


The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical studies conducted by the authors aimed at establishing the features and optimal ways of professional selection of candidates for the positions of operators of unmanned aerial complexes of tactical classes. On the basis of a professional study of the activity of the specified specialist, revealed psychological features of the performance of his professional tasks and concretization of the most professionally important qualities of the specified subject of work, the specificity of realization of social-legal, educational, medical and psychological stages of the professional selection of candidates has been consistently revealed, that will provide the necessary level of its quality.

Taking into account the social importance of the profession of unmanned aerial vehicle operator, the complexity of this activity and its connection with information that constitutes a military secret, the authors identified an array of professionally important characteristics and basic contraindications to the performance of professional duties, which should be objectively evaluated in the documents on the candidate to ensure the quality of the socio-legal selection of candidates entering the military high schools.

Within the framework of medical selection, the main contraindications to the fulfillment of professional duties in the specialty of the operator of unmanned aviation complexes related to candidate psychosomatics are specified. The expediency of conducting qualitative psychophysiological examination of the candidates to establish the availability of the necessary psychophysiological resource for performing complex activities physically, emotionally and intellectually, the ability of sensory systems and motor skills to provide the implementation of professional actions of this specialist is substantiated.

In order to ensure the quality of educational selection, the need to increase the objectivity of assessing the most professionally important quality of candidates as the ability to learn, the development and flexibility of thought, memory and attention processes has been identified. Therefore, in addition to analyzing the success of education in a comprehensive educational institution, the results of EIE are offered to conduct specialized interviews of intellectual orientation to assess the quality of operations of the candidate's way of thinking and his ability to productive communication, as well as to establish the presence of such professional limitations as primitive thinking, limited thinking; instability of attention; the difficulty of remembering information; limited vocabulary and poverty of speech; low categorical-conceptual level.

With regard to psychological selection, the optimal set of diagnostic tools for assessing the most professionally important qualities of candidates has been determined. It is suggested to use the psychological map of the successful operator of unmanned aviation complexes, the professional and psychogram of this specialist in the interests of both professional selection and further monitoring of the success of their professionalization.


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